Tony Horton P90X Shoulders & Arms - Review

Shoulders & Arms is the next P90X workout that I did and even though I had a 48 hour break from when I did Chest & Back, I was still feeling it in the shoulder area from all the push ups that I had done.

Shoulders & Arms clocks in at just under an hour.  Again, there is about an 9 to 10 minutes warm up - features about 3 minutes of cardio exercises and 7 minutes of static and ballistic stretching.

There are two rounds in this workout as well. However, the format is slightly different in Shoulder & Arms. You do three exercises (one for the shoulders, one for the biceps, and one for the triceps) and then you repeat those three exercises immediately.
After you do the second round you get a break before starting the next group of exercises.
Again, Tony tells you to set a goal with how many reps you are going to do. The time in which you have to do each exercise varies.

Equipment - dumbbells, bands, chair
3 & 1/2 stars


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