Tony Horton P90X Legs & Back - Review

This is my second week of P90X workouts and it starts with disc 5, Legs & Back.
There are 22 exercises.  For every two leg exercises, there is one back exercise. So the pattern is - do two legs and then 1 back exercise. There are a variety of legs exercises but all the back exercises are pull up/chin up exercises.

There is a cardio warm up followed by a stretch.  Then you move into the 22 exercises, each of which has a time associated with it. Sometimes you are doing as many reps as you can and at other times, Tony gives you an exact rep number he wants you to perform.  A stretch cool down concludes the workout.

While I was sore after this workout and felt the challenge, I really didn't care for a lot of the exercises in this workout.
The workout clocks in at around 59 minutes.

Equipment used:  pull up bar,  bands, weights.
2 & 3/4 stars


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