Cardio Karate Extreme Martial Conditioning 1 - Thoughts

Week 2 started off with Extreme Martial Conditioning 1. This workout stars Gregg Cook as the lead and it is just under 60 minutes in length. Along, with Gregg, there is one other cast member and his name is Robert. This workout is Pull Up heavy. The Pull Up bar that they use in the workout is mounted in the center of the workspace from the ceiling. There is a cryptic message at the beginning of the workout saying you should not use the Portable Door Mounted Pull Up bars.
My guess for that is that there are several exercises where you are hanging from the pull up bar and I can easily envision someone pulling out their trim from the door frame.
This workout was cumbersome and awkward to do but only because of the Pull Ups. This workout was specifically design to the type of Pull Up Bars they have in the workout. I have the Cathe Turbo Tower. I also have bands/tubing which is an alternative method that the workout recommends. I used both methods for this workout. The problem is that Gregg and Robert are jumping up to do the pull ups. When they come down they are going into a series of horse stance.
So my problem was when I was using Turbo Tower, I had to step away to clear myself of the Turbo Tower before I could go into the horse stance - thus missing the first couple of reps. When I used the bands, the door that I have them attached to faces away from the TV and I am doing them seated. So again, I have to stand and clear myself from the door before going into the horse stance. When I do Extreme Martial Conditioning 2, I will try to use the bands in the standing position. However, in the standing position, I don't think I will get the resistance I need even using my heaviest band. So I will see. The reason this is such a pain is because pull ups are almost in every Pod. They are probably 40% of the workout.

Other than all the pull ups, I thought the workout was okay. I like several of the moves. Gregg does a good job in leading the workout and he does the whole workout.
There is a bit of talking to the people (probably JB) who is off camera.
Along with the Pull Up bar, the workout uses sand weights and dumbbells.

2 1/2 stars for the way the workout was design. It is just not friendly to the home user. I think I am pretty good about adapting and modifying a workout but this annoyed me.
3 1/4 stars for the actual workout.


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