Insanity Max Interval Circuit - Review

Max Interval Circuit is my first "MAX" workout and the longest workout in the Insanity System. It clocks in at roughly 59:49. The warm up follows the same format as many of the other workouts. This is where you do a set of moves three times through, each time increasing the speed of the move. Some of the exercises are different in this warm up.

Max Interval Circuit is very similar in set up to Plyometric Cardio Circuit. However, in Max Interval Circuit, there are three circuits instead of two.
The circuits are 3 minutes in length and you get a 30 second built in water break after the 3 minutes.

I have just finished up 3 weeks of Insanity and overall, I am not really enjoying them. I find them really repetitive - not only within each workout - but across all the workouts.
Shawn has a sample of about 25 to 30 moves, that he switches in and out with slight variations in the various workouts.
I think the problem is, I don't particularly care for his exercise list. Whereas workouts like Turbo Fire, I like those moves (which one can consider repetitive) and thus enjoy them more.
That is not to say that I am not huffing and puffing and getting a good workout.
3 stars for Max Interval Circuit


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