Insanity Max Interval Circuit - Review

Max Interval Circuit is very similar in set up to Plyometric Cardio Circuit. However, in Max Interval Circuit, there are three circuits instead of two.
The circuits are 3 minutes in length and you get a 30 second built in water break after the 3 minutes.
I have just finished up 3 weeks of Insanity and overall, I am not really enjoying them. I find them really repetitive - not only within each workout - but across all the workouts.
Shawn has a sample of about 25 to 30 moves, that he switches in and out with slight variations in the various workouts.
I think the problem is, I don't particularly care for his exercise list. Whereas workouts like Turbo Fire, I like those moves (which one can consider repetitive) and thus enjoy them more.
That is not to say that I am not huffing and puffing and getting a good workout.
3 stars for Max Interval Circuit
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