Les Mills Combat HiiT Workouts - Thoughts

Power HiiT 1 is just over 30 minutes in length. It is a workout that is based on the principal of HiiT. It is mostly a weight and strength workout but with a cardio aspect. There are about 6 tracks including warm up and cool down. A lot of the exercises repeat themselves. Warm up - 4:08 Run in place, forward and backward Squat, Ski Squat Side Shuffles Alternating Forward Lunges Inchworm Pushups Strength Phase - 8:40 Dead Rows Clean & Deadlift Clean & Press Power Press Power Phase 5:45 Sumo Jumps Cross Sumo Jumps Alt Plyometric Lunge Jumps Squat Press Body Weight Training 4:30 Burpee Jump Squat - 4 sets Core Training - 4:00 Hover Planks Mountain Climbers Spider Pushups Cool Down Stretch - 2:45 Dan Cohen leads Power HiiT. This workout does feature a modifier. Shock Plyo HiiT 2 clocks in at 28 & 1/2 minutes and it is lead by Rachael Newsham. This workout features a lot of plyo moves that are r...