Urban Rebounding Poly Performance Metabolic Plyometric Circuits - Review

Poly Performance Metabolic Plyometric Circuits is a super long title. It is also a workout that features Keli Roberts as the lead, and it is about 50 minutes long.
This workout is an interval workout, that contains plyometrics, strength, and balance type exercises.
There is a lot of work on and off the rebounder. I really like the work onto the rebounder but the work of the rebounder, (the exercises that had you jumping off and onto the floor) I did not care for.
This workout does contain some intense and challenging plyo work much of which is done on one leg.
The basic pattern of the workout has you doing two sets of the exercises on both sides (left and right) of the body. So you are really getting four total sets of each circuit.
The warm up and cool down are about four minutes each and there is an abdominal specific section as well.
I didn't like Poly Performance as much as I like Maximum Metabolic Intervals. This one didn't flow as well to me.
You can see the camera man throughout many shots. You can also hear (off camera) the crew in the background. I believe this is true with all the Urban Rebounding Extreme workouts.

3 stars


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