Patrick Goudeau Step Up - Thoughts

Step Up is about a 60 minute step workout featuring Patrick Goudeau as the lead.  The workout contains a warm up, three step combinations, and a cool down.  It is more of a dance step workout than an athletic step workout.
In terms of complexity, I would rate the choreography as intermediate.  Patrick starts with basic moves and as he moves through an iterations of the basic moves he add complexity such as turns and twist which make the moves more complicated.  What I found the most frustrating about learning the combos were the camera angles.  So many shot were waist shots and above and I need to see the feet or even better, whole body shots.  That is my only real complaint about the workout.

Patrick is enthusiastic and brings energy to the workout.  The  music and set are okay.

There are four other cast members besides Patrick and one of the cast members is a beginner modifier.
3 stars


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