MMA Kickbox - Review

MMA Kickbox - 53 minute workout.
There was a time when I wouldn't even touch a kickboxing workout; wouldn't even look at one. Now, these are some of my favorite type of workouts to do.

So needless to say, I really like this workout. I liked the combos more than the drills. I think that is because the drills left me feeling awkward and fatigue. They were done mostly using the strength of one leg. For the most part during the drill I kept switching between making the move low impact and making it high impact.

Now the combos were some of my favorite combos of all the combos Cathe has come up with in her various Kickbox workouts. They were easy to pick up with familiar moves that were combined in a unique way. Often when I hear instructors say that, I wonder "Really, How Unique Can it Be?"; but I thought these combos were. My only griped about the combos was that the 3rd combo was much shorter or didn't have as much content as the first two.

The workout contain an ab section that used dumbbells for added intensity. The tough move in this section was the "plank pushup with the side leg kick out" - or something like that. I didn't do the pushup and barely did the side leg kick out. (Something to work up to)

4 stars out of 5


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