Cardio Kickbox Challenge - Review

Cardio Kickbox Challenge is a FitByTracey workout that is lead by Tracey Staehle, Jericho, and Josef. Josef was also in Tracey's Strikezone workout. The workout is a little over an hour long.
I really like this workout. From start to finish I feel like this is a good solid and fun workout. It flowed really well.
The combos are more drill oriented than routine oriented. Tracey, Jericho, and Josef each leads different portions of the workout. As they do,they show you various levels (from easy to hard) that you can do. Essentially they show you how you can get more power with each move.
My criticism which I am sure will go away the more I do the workout and become familiar with the workout is the transitions when the leads were adding on to the combination. The person who was leading (and all three would do this) would start to show you the upcoming move before you had completed the move you were doing. So you had the lead doing something and the background people doing something else. Not a big thing, just slightly annoying because there was no warning.
I thought the music was very good and fit the workout perfectly. The set (which I thought was too busy the first time I previewed the workout) wasn't distracting at all. After doing the workout, I thought the set fit the workout perfectly.
The is an AB/core section which I didn't do.
I can't wait to do this one again. I might try to sneak it in sooner than it is scheduled.
4 1/2 out of 5 stars


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