Cathe Step Moves - Review

Step Moves. Step Moves. This workout is 44 minutes in length.
I am really liking the length of the Shock Cardio workouts. It is nice to be able to have enough time to finish a workout as is without having to split it into two or wait for an off day from work.
Not a bad workout. The combos were more intricate than Athletic Step but doable. There was only one move that stumped me. I thought Cathe gave us just the right mix of a break down and moving the workout along.
The only move that I could have did without were the "Power 7s". This is more of an athletic move and Cathe included the move, or a version of it, a lot in Athletic Step.
The workout contains 3 combos and a finish combo section where she runs through all the combos twice.
The music was okay. I can't say I notice it much except for the opening (warm up) selection. I still think that the step workouts if not all the Shock Cardio workouts, could have used a music louder option. Well maybe not all but definitely the step workouts.
4 stars out of 5


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