Cathe Cardio Core Circuit - Review

Cardio Core Circuit Express Premix - 34 minutes. I did the premix of this workout. One thing about doing premixes is that the transition in between the different segments isn't always very smooth. That was the case is this workout.
The transition from the cardio segments to the core segments was abrupt.
Other than that the workout was good and sufficiently intense. During the cardio sections you were doing Air Jacks, Mountain Climber, 180 turn, squat jumps etc. You did three cardio drills in a row followed by core work for 5 cycles. I was winded after several of the circuits
The core exercises were different, a lot of them required the use of your whole body to execute the move. The moves were really intense and some of them were awkward.
Equipment used - Mat.
3 stars out of 5 stars


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