Cathe HiiT Double Wave Pyramid - Review

HiiT Double Wave Pyramid is my favorite of the 3 HiiT workouts. It is 30 minutes in length and uses no equipment.
It is called Double Wave Pyramid because the pyramid sequence (which is done according to time) takes you up and then down and it is done twice through.
I actually like this. I like knowing what was coming the second time around. That allowed me to mentally prepare.
It was tough. You start with 20 second intervals and progress all the way up to 40 second interval and then you start working your way back down to 20 second interval. Cathe gives you a 1 minute break between the two pyramid sets.
Some of the exercises you are performing in these intervals are air jacks, tuck jumps, quarter turns, mountain climber etc.
4 1/2 stars out of 5


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