CIA 2904 Cardio Combat Surge - Review

The story behind this workout is.....
I pre-order this workout based on the fact that I like Kimberly.
I then saw a clip of the workout and was not enthused about it at all.
I was contemplating cancelling my pre-order, but because the video was already paid for. I decided to let the pre-order stand.
The workout came and I put it in my to do pile. A couple of times I schedule the workout, but then would put something else in its place.
So when doing my August rotation, I just decided I was going to do this workout August 31st period. I thought it would be a great transition from my August rotation into my September rotation. Well this whole week of workouts have been off. So I have been grabbing whatever I felt like doing. Last night I was really undecided as to what to do. Did I want to do The FIRM's Jiggle Free? Did I want to do The FIRM's Fat Blasting Cardio? What about Zumba? Oh I will do a Kickboxing workout. And that was when Cardio Combat Surge popped in my head.
So I said all of that to say this. I really like this workout. It turned out to be much better than the video clip I saw. Kimberly takes you through a warm up, 2 med ball sections, 2 kickboxing sections and 2 body bar sections, and a cool down/stretch. She also includes a Fusion Stretch that is 18 minutes long but I only did about 4 minutes of that.
If you do the workout in its entirety, it runs 88 minutes.
My favorite sections were the kickboxing and body bar sections. The music in the first body bar section is killer cool. The med-ball sections I really didn't care for but I am not a fan of working out with the medicine ball. I thought the med-ball sections dragged on whereas the other sections I thought moved quickly.
Kimberly does an excellent job of cuing and most of the music has a pretty good motivating beat.
4 stars out of 5.


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