Zumba Sentao - Review

Zumba Sentao is led by Marcie Bienevedes  It  is 37 minutes long and uses a chair.

The song tracks in the workout are:
1.       Electro Step
2.       Solito Y Sin Ti
3.       Respeta Pa’ Que Te Respeten
4.       West African Jungle
5.       Groove to the World
6.       Vem  Vem (Remix)
7.       Maconda

The chair is used throughout and it is used for more than just a prop or something to sit on.      First you use the chair in a variety of positions and thus you move it around quite a bit.  As well as dancing around the chair, Marcie also has you use the chair for resistance.  You are using the chair to do triceps dip, push ups, shoulder row and core moves.  Marcie incorporates lunges and squats too.

I like this workout. My problem was that my chair kept sliding. I work out on hard wood floor and any time a move would call for tapping the chair, my chair would slide.

Along with Marcie there are two other cast members. One member does show beginner modification.
This DVD offers verbal cuing on or off option. The cuing on version is standard cuing. I prefer standard cuing to narrated cuing.

3 & 3/4 stars


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