Kelly Coffey Meyer 30MTF Weights - Review

30 Minutes to Fitness Weights is not just one of my favorite KCM workouts, it is one of my favorite weight workouts. I will say this is a workout that I didn't click with the first time I did it, which has been well over a year ago now. When I was doing it this time, I couldn't remember what I didn't like about it.
The DVD consist of a warm up, two weight routines and an abdominal section and there is a premix sections.
The first weight routine is chest, legs, and back. The second weight routine is biceps, triceps, and shoulders. Both workouts featured three rounds or circuits of exercises done two times through. In many cases the exercises were synchronized to the beat of the music which I loved.
Kelly is awesome in her cuing and her motivation.
5 out of 5 stars


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