Amy Bento Advance Step Challenge 3 - Review

Advance Step Challenge 3 (ASC3) is exactly like its name implies - an advance step workout. Amy throws choreography at you and it will take even the most experience stepper a time or two to pick it up.
But when you do, this workout is fun, fun, fun! Usually when I get a new Amy Bento workout, I will only try to learn a combo at a time. This eliminates some of the frustration with trying to pick up the routine.
ASC3 features 5 combinations. Four combinations are done with the step in the standard horizontal position and 1 combination is done with the step in the vertical position. The majority of the moves are athletic in nature with a few mambos and chasse thrown in. After you learn combos 1 and 2, Amy combines them into a mini routine. Then you learn combos 3 and 4 and then they are combine into a mini routine. After you learn combo 5, you go back and do combos 1 - 5 straight through. This is my favorite part.
Amy also includes a section in what she calls "Power ups". "Power ups" is a mini intensity blast section. I didn't do this section.
The music is absolutely fantastic. You can really rock it out. Rarely do I have a complaint about the music Amy uses in her workout videos.
Workout time just for the step section is about 75 minutes.
This is a favorite of mine and as such gets 5 out of 5 stars.


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