The FIRM Super Sculpting - Review

I don't want to call Super Sculpting a compilation workout, but it is a splice workout or looks like it from the editing.
This workout features Jen Carman, Nancy Tucker, Dale Brabham, and Carissa Foster. Jen and Dale lead you through upper body work and Nancy and Carissa lead you through lower body sets.
My intent when selecting this workout was to use it as a heavy sculpt day and surprisingly I found it the tempo and reps to be to quick to go as heavy as I wanted to go. So I back off my weight a little bit. You can still go heavy, just not super heavy.
I found the pace between each exercise quick. This is a workout where you will want to have your weight selections already laid out. I was late in starting a few of the exercise because I was gathering my equipment.
The thing I probably like the least is the way the workout was splice together. Still a great sculpting workout though.
4 stars out of 5


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