Susan Chung Rapid Fire - Thougths

So this is my second time doing Susan Chung's Rapid Fire: Kick, Box & Core Burn and I like it a lot better this time around than the first. If you do the workout in its entirety, it is very long - about 95 minutes long. I don't have a Heavy Bag. So I didn't do that part of the workout. I also skipped the Floor Core/Abs section.
There is a Standing Core Ball Work section and I did do that.

There is a warm up and as warm ups go, it is okay. After the warm up, comes Shadow Boxing of which there are three rounds. Susan uses light hand weights and she also uses the layer approach, adding punches as you go a long. So for instance, in the first round, she starts off with 4 punches and by the end of the combo you are doing 14 punches. You do this several times through before moving to the other side.
After Shadow Boxing, is Kickboxing. There are three segments here as well. This part of the workout requires endurance in the hip flexor area of the body. I felt the kicks and knee lifts in my hip flexors quite a bit.
In the standing core work section, Susan uses a Core Ball (essentially a medicine ball with handles). I do not have one of these so I used a med ball. Although I might get one. This section uses the upper body quite a bit.

There are a lot of Chapter points on the DVD so you can jump around. However, it is a bit haphazard. For instance there is a Chapters section and a Mix and Match section. Chapters breaks the segments down at a higher level (i.e. shadow boxing) whereas the Mix & Match section is more granular (you can choose round 1, 2 or 3 within Shadow Boxing).

There are ten premixes. There is also a lengthy workout Introduction as well as Safety Guidelines and Tips. The music is decent - no real complaints here. The set is (I am guessing) a gym. There is a door that has exit sign above it. Also, the lighting is such that you can see the shadows of Susan and the cast members. This didn't really bother me, but at some point in the video you can see the top of someone's head. It appears that they are sitting watching the filming. I think this shows up in the Kickboxing section. There are some annoying camera angles going on as well.

For the parts of the workout I completed - 3 stars.


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