The FIRM Fat-Burning Sculpting Ball Workout - Thoughts

The FIRM's Fat-Burning Sculpting Ball Workout continues my week of revisiting some older workouts.
It is a 30 minute workout featuring Tina Smalley as the lead.
I like Tina. I have had the opportunity to take a live class with her and found her to be an awesome instructor.

This workout is a kit workout. It comes or came with a 4, 6 or 8 inch sculpting ball.
The workout starts with a 6 minute warm up. The first 3 minutes is without the ball and the second 3 minutes you are doing pretty much the same exercise but this time adding the ball.
After the warm up, you go into the first standing sculpting set that is broken up by a series of push ups using the ball. I felt my heart rate get up on some of the standing work. A lot of the exercises are compound in nature.
Before you go into a second standing sculpting set that is broken up by a series of plank moves using the ball, you have a rather extended ball cardio section. I thought this section a tad bit long or rather it became repetitive.
After the second sculpting set you move on to standing core work to work the obliques. Tina put in as stretch for the upper body before going to the floor for more core and abdominal work.
The workout ends with a stretch using the sculpting ball.
The music is good. The set is "ho hum".
I like this workout. I felt like I got a good workout in 30 minutes. I used a 6lb ball for the sculpting sets and a 4lb ball for the cardio segment.
3 1/2 stars

The picture is from the FIRM Believers Trip Fall 2008.


  1. Hi,

    I've been following your blog and I'm in absolute awe of you and your workouts!

    As a woman of Colour I was wondering how you cared for your hair; I sweat (tmi sorry) a lot and I find it hard to care for my hair and keep active on a regular basis. Do you have any advice/tips you could give me.


  2. I wear instant hair extension/weave.
    My own hair is just shy of shoulder length. I wash it once a week and blow dry it. Then I blend it in with hair extensions.
    I sweat quite a bit too when I workout. I will blow dry it out and then blend my hair with the extension. I don't have time for more than that. It would take forever to curl my own hair and make it decent looking for work.

  3. Thank you for your response and I'll look into instant hair extensions.

  4. I think your reviews of the workouts is awesome as well!! And thank you Saundra for the response to the woman of color from November 30, 2011.

    I stumbled upon your blog and have greatly benefitted from your reviews. I even bought the Extend Barre workout - and completed it just yesterday.

    It was awesome!! I feel graceful and along with having been a Firm workout girl..I feel very good in my body!!

    Thanks again.


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