Yoplait Frozen Smoothies - Review

Yum!!!. Just add one cup of skim milk (or slightly more if you want it more smooth and less thick) to the contents of the bag, blend it up and serve.

I just recently found the Yoplait Frozen Smoothies in my local grocery stores and decided to give them a try and I like them.

There are currently four flavors:

Triple Berry
Strawberry Mango Pineapple
Strawberry Banana
Blueberry Pomegranate

The Strawberry Mango Pineapple and the Blueberry Pomegranate are my favorites.

There are two servings per bag and each serving is 110 calories if you use one cup of skim milk. I usually have two (the full bag) servings - replacing my oatmeal and toast breakfast. It pours nicely in a 16oz cup and that is great if you are "on the go".

They can be pricey depending where you shop. At my local grocery stores, they are between $3.79 and $3.99 per bag.

At Target, I think they were priced at $3.25 and this past weekend I found them at Wal-Mart for $2.50 a bag.

When I first tried one, I thought it could have been a little sweeter, but that could have been just the just Triple Berry flavor, because the last couple I didn't think they should be sweeter.

As far as hunger, I will go a couple of hours without feeling hungry after having one but that is not as much time as my oatmeal and toast last me. With oatmeal I feel fuller longer than with the smoothie. And they are roughly the same amount of calories - 240 for the smoothie (I add extra milk) versus 250 for the oatmeal and toast.

Even so, I do like the smoothies very much and hopefully Yoplait will continue to make them. I say that because usually when I find some new food item I like and want to make it a staple in my diet, the food companies stop producing it and I can't find it in of the stores any more.
4 stars.


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