The FIRM Kick Start Your Metobolism - Thoughts

Kick Start Your Metabolism is a bonus workout that comes with The FIRM Express system. The FIRM Express system is the most recent (release December 2010) FIRM weight loss system. The system comes with twelve 20 minute workouts and also includes this workout, a 4 day Kick Start Plan, and the FIRM Express Fitness Guide.
Kick Start Your Metabolism includes two workouts. The first is Pump It Up and the second is Shortcut to Flat Abs. Both are 10 minute workouts and both feature one of the FIRM's newest instructors, Jennifer Ray.
Pump It Up is a Cardio Sculpt workout with emphasis on cardio. It featured 4 mini burst done practically back to back. Jennifer uses one set of weights to increase the intensity. The burst include squat jumps, alternating plyo lunges, plank jumps side to side, and ski hops with alternating rows. There is a count down clock that counts down the 8 second mini burst but there is not a clock that counts down the 12 second rest and I would have like to see that. Also, the clock and Jennifer are not in sync. She finishes several times before the clock hits zero.
There is really no cool down after the last burst. Jennifer just goes straight into about 40 seconds of stretching which I felt was rushed.
Shortcut to Flat Abs. This workout uses one dumbbell for added intensity; and you use that dumbbell from the start. It includes some standard standing ab work and some Kettlebell style standing ab work before going to the floor for some contemporary (i.e planks, dumbbell roll ups, torso twist) ab work. This workout concludes with supermans and scorpions for the back. The workout has a good pace and I really thought it flowed well from one exercise to the next.
Jennifer has been a cast member in other FIRM workouts but this is her first time as a lead. I thought she cued well and found her to be pleasant. I have taken a live class with her before during a FIRM Believer's Trip and I liked her as an instructor then too.
I like Shortcut to Flat Abs better than Pump It Up, but I did burn 100 calories in Pump It Up.
Kick Start Your Metobolism - 3 1/2 stars breaks down to:
Pump It Up - 3 stars
Shortcut to Flat Abs - 4 stars


  1. Thanks for the review, that's not a bad calorie burn in 10 minutes.


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