Cardio Coach Volume 3 - Thoughts

Cardio Coach Volume 3 is a downloadable audio workout. It is coached by instructor Sean O'Malley and it is a guided cardio workout designed to be used on fitness cardio equipment. I use these workouts with my treadmill but you can use them with bikes, elliptical machines etc as well.
Volume 3 is approximately 45 minutes if you do the stretch that Sean includes. I stretch myself so I only ever do the cardio portion which is just over 39 minutes.
To get the most out of the workout you will need a heart rate monitor.
The way the workout works is based on your perceived exertion and level of effort. There are four zones or levels.
Level 1 Effort - Blue zone equates to a heart rate range between 55% - 65%
Level 2 Effort - Green zone equates to a heart rate range between 65% - 75%
Level 3 Effort - Orange zone equates to a heart rate range between 75% - 85%
Level 4 Effort - Red zone equates to a heart rate above 85%
Sean directs you through the various levels and tells you what you should be striving for at any given moment in the workout. You change your controls on your fitness equipment to reach or get back to a certain level. Your heart rate monitor tells you what level you are at.
For Volume three - there are 3 challenges.
In the first challenge you are doing six Level 3 sprints. Each sprint is 30 seconds with a 30 second rest. Approximate time for challenge one is 6 minutes.
The second challenge contains two Level 3 hill climbs. Each hill climb is 3 minutes and by the end of the third minute, you should have reached a Level 4 effort. Approximate time for challenge two is 10 minutes.
The third challenge is four Level 4 sprints. Each sprint is 10 seconds (yes that's 10) with a 30 second break. Approximate time for challenge three is 3 minutes.
Steady state rest are built in throughout the workout. Their function is to bring you into a Level 2 Effort and get you prepared for the next challenge.
I really like this workout. Sean is super motivating and his voice is easy on the ears. The soundtrack is superb. The only track I am lukewarm about is the cool down track. I didn't particularly care for it.
Cardio Coach Volume 3 is one of my favorite Cardio Coach workouts and I give it 4 1/2 stars.


  1. I copied this workout to my Ipod and use it to keep me motivated on the eliptical at the gym. While the selections aren't by the original artists, of course, the beat keeps you moving and your heart rate up. I liked that the music started with a 'warm-up', slightly less energetic beat, and then got faster.


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