Where to Buy Exercise Videos

It seems that many retail stores are reducing their fitness selection to just a few DVDs or a few brands of DVDs or retail stores are only stocking their shelves with workouts DVDs just prior to a New Year beginning.
It also seems like everyday there is another website popping up that sells exercise videos. I think the latter is great for the buyer. There are so many choices available and the consumer can really shop around for great deals.
Also of benefit is the information and services that one can get from these sites. Some sites offer forums, some video clips of the workouts, and some a review page.

I personally like the sites where I can see a video clip.

The following is a list of sites that I know about and/or shop at.

www.amazon.com - reviews, some video footage,
www.collagevideo.com - reviews, star rating, video clips, forum,
www.totalfitnessdvds.com - video clips
www.advancedworkouts.com - blog
www.fitnessorganica.com - video clips, outside of mainstream, small & independent producers
www.deepdiscounts.com - review, star rating, sells more than just fitness DVDs
www.activevideos.com -ability to review, huge dance fitness selection
www.fitnessfly.com - some video preview clips available
www.everythingyoga.com - yoga videos
www.qvc.com - a nice variety of systems/series DVDs, great return policy, reviews available, presentation video clips available

Also, a lot of instructors have their own websites with their own store front; and that can be nice because you are buying directly from the person making the workout.

I am sure there are lot more sites out there. If there is one that you know about that I didn't list, please send me a comment.


  1. Great review of where to buy workout dvds Saundra, I started buying workout dvds in October 2007 when I saw a review in Shape magazine for Amy Bento's Ten Minute Solution Tone your Trouble Zones. I bought it from Amazon, I then bought the Firms Total Body Time Crunch (another review on Shape magazine). I discovered Total Fitness dvds in 2008 and videofitness in 2009. I think I've too many fitness dvds to count!! Have cut down on my purchasing and have limited myself to only buying Cathe dvds or dvds that get really good reviews.

  2. Oh Wow Susan. I think I started back in the 90s with CollageVideo. This was even before they had a website and they used to just send out there magazine.
    It was great when they got their website becasue right from the beginning they would have clips. Then the clips were only 30 seconds. They are slighly longer now.
    But now there are tons a places to buy.


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