Amy Bento Cardio Pump Step - Thoughts

Cardio Pump Step is another workout that I have had for awhile and I am just now getting around to doing it.
It is a 49 minute workout that features two step combos and a sculpting weight segment.
The step portion includes a warm up and a cool down and the step combinations are classic Amy Bento - fun, athletic and full of energy. Amy does not have a break down for the combinations but I found them easy to pick. The step portion is about 22 minutes long.
The second part of the workout is the sculpting section. This section uses an 8 inch step height, a weighted barbell, and dumbbells to sculpt the body. Amy works each muscle group except shoulders. For the legs, Amy does leg press, lunges, and dead lifts. Push ups work the chest. Barbell rows work the back. Curls, hammer curls and cross body curls work the biceps. Dips and french press work the triceps. There is plank work that works the core.
I like this workout - especially the step section, but the sculpting section is pretty good too.
One minor irritation of the workout is when Amy keeps asking Angela how many reps are left. I don't think Amy could hear Angela, but it seemed to be constantly throughout the workout.
The music is full of energy. It has the electronic dance beat vibe.
The DVD also contains 4 premixes.
4 stars


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