The FIRM Target Toning Zero-In-Ten - Thoughts

Target Toning Zero-in-Ten is a FIRM workout(s) and it is led by Rebekah Sturkie and Emily Welsh. It consist of five 10-minute workouts.
The workouts are Lean Legs (Rebekah), Fearless Arms (Rebekah), Bikini Body Blaze (Emily), ABS-olute Core (Rebekah) and Bun Burn (Emily).
Each of the 10 minutes consist of a brief warm up in the beginning and a cool down/stretch at the end. Rebekah uses weights in her three workouts
and her three workouts are interval based (cardio burst and strength training). The workouts include the standards interval style exercises (including the burpee - appears in Abs-solute Core).
Emily does not use weights in her workouts. Bikini Body Blaze is basically a multi-level cardio workouts. By multi-level, Emily starts at level one (easiest) and goes up to level three (hardest) by adding more intense moves. Bun Burn works the lower body using your own body resistance.
You can use each 10 minute workout on its own or you can choose to do all 5 sections in the Play All part of the DVD. The DVD also lets you customize the order and how many segments you want to play up to 5 selections.
The DVD also gives you access to a 10 minute downloaded workout that compliments the series.
Lean Legs - 3 1/2 stars
Fearless Arms - 3 stars
Bikini Body Blaze - 3 stars
Abs-olute Core - 3 1/2 stars
Bun Burn - 4 stars (my favorite segment)
Complete Workout - 3 1/2 stars


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