Patrick Goudeau Not Your Momma's Step - Thoughts

Not Your Momma's Step. I have had this workout for a long time, probably going on two years now. I think I tried or had the workout schedule to do back in the spring but I got sick.
This is a workout that you know you will like it once you get the choreography down, but having the patience to learn the choreography is the key.
I don't want to say the moves are difficult but they are dance based with a lot of flair and directional changes. So I really had to watch Patrick execute the moves as well as listen to what he was saying. This annoyed me once because Patrick demonstrated a move - which was a "cross to the front (towards the TV) and then a cross to the back (towards the step) move". Later he calls the move a grapevine. So I am thinking, "why didn't you just call it a grapevine to begin with?" Although when he first executed it, it didn't look like a grapevine to me.
Patrick does do a decent job of cuing the move once you know what the move is. Where I think he goes wrong is he doesn't teach you the directional changes, he just throws those at you. What I mean by this is, he will break down the combo (usually 4 passes) but when he goes to add the combo to the routine he switches the direction and that he just calls out.
Since this was my first time doing this workout, I didn't follow his direction changes, and for the most part that was okay because you would end up in the same place. I just wouldn't look at the TV during that part so I wouldn't confuse myself.
The workout is about an hour long. There is a warm up, three combos, and a cool down.
That is it for now. I may revise my thinking when I do the workout a second time.
3 stars.


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