Paual Abdul Cardio Dance - Thoughts

Cardio Dance featuring Paula Abdul is about a 45 minute dance and sculpting workout. The first 27 minutes or so is the dance and the last 12 minutes or so is sculpting mostly for the legs follow by some stretching.
The steps are bit more complicated in this workout than Paula's previous workout and even other dance workouts I have. I do think Paula did a good job of breaking down the steps.
She teaches the workout similarly to her previous workout in that she teaches you the steps at half time and then gradually picks up the pace until you are at full tempo.
The routine is really just one routine broken down into three parts. Each part has two sub parts. Paula layers the parts until you get to the full routine which I thought was a bit short. I would have like to see more dance content.
What is there is fun and funky (kind of hip), including the warm up.
3 stars


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