Jari Love Get Ripped 1000 #3

Get Ripped 1000 #3 is a cardio weight interval workout. The instructor for this workout is Jari Love. There are three different ways in which you can do this workout.
You can do this as a complete 60-minute workout or you can do the two pre-define premixes. One premix is focused on the weight segments and one premix is focused on the cardio segments.

In the 60-minute workout, there are twelve exercises.  Each exercise is followed by an active recovery move.  You repeat each exercise and active recovery for 4 sets or rounds before moving on to the next exercise grouping.

The workout uses a step and heavy and light dumbbells. There are bells, subtitles,  and voiceovers that indicate where you are in the workout. The set is Jari's home (she tells us she is bringing her home into our home).  Along with Jari, there are two other cast members. Cast member Jill leads the ab section.

Each of the premixes includes the warm-up and stretch. The warm-up uses dumbbells.  The weight premix also includes the abdominal section. The weight premix is around 40 minutes in length and the cardio premix is about 35 minutes.

Get Ripped #3 - 3 & 1/4 stars


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