Tony Horton 22 Minute Hard Corps Disc 2 - Thoughts

Disc 2 of 22 Minute Hard Corps contains the resistance workouts. The Main Menu has the following options : Cold Start Resistance 1 Resistance 2 Resistance 3 Bonus Workout P90X3 The Warrior Subtitles The Cold Start workout on disc 2 is the same Cold Start workout that appears on disc 1. I forgot to mention the subtitles when reviewing Disc 1 but if you click on subtitles, you are given the following subtitle selections : Off English Spanish The format is set pretty similar to the workouts on disc 1. When you select a workout, you get to choose your music setup and you get a list of what equipment you need. Tony also gives you your daily directive. Unlike the cardio workouts, the resistance workouts do contain a brief warm up that includes four exercises. After the warm up, Tony and cast take you through a series of 5 moves for three rounds. The reps vary in each round and for each exercise. Before each exercise in round 1, Tony does have a cast membe...