Cathe HiiT Circuit Upper Body - Thoughts

Ripped With HiiT is Cathe latest workout series.  The series contains a total of 9 workouts plus two bonus ab workouts.  The concept with this series is that Cathe is combining heavy weights with high intensity interval training.

HiiT Circuit Upper Body is the first workout I did in the series.  It clocks in at just over 46 minutes.  While the title of the workout is HiiT Circuit Upper Body, I felt that  it was more total body focus than just upper body as most of the upper body exercises incorporated legs.

There are 8 rounds.  Each round features a compound upper lower body exercise and a high impact cardio blast.  There are some isolation upper body exercises included as well.

There are 8 premixes of various length.
The DVD is very well chapter.
The music is decent. Sometimes you are working to the beat of the music and at other times you are not.
The set is a nighttime setting of a metropolitan city.
I like HiiT Circuit Upper Body.
4 stars


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