The FIRM Zip Trainer Cycle 2 Peak! - Review

Cycle 2:  Peak! is the second DVD in The FIRM's ZipTrainer System.  This systems comes with three workouts.
The first workout on the Peak! disc is Cardio 2.  Cardio 2 is lead by Alison Davis.  Alison's workouts is a 15 minute high energy workout. You are constantly moving and going from one sequence right into the next without much of a break.
There are two other cast members, Annie and Stephanie. Annie is performing the advance moves which are often high impact and Stephanie is performing the beginner modifications.
This workout features 4 SBT's or Short Burst Training Cycles.  You do two rounds of each SBT. During each round you work for 30 seconds and rest for 15 seconds.

The SBTs in Cardio 2 are:
  • Front/back Squat with an overhead raise with the ZipTrainer

  • Step, Skip, or Jump over the Zip Trainers (Dome Positions) with an alternating kickback

  • Hitchkick

  • Football Shuffle into three alternating rows.

  • There are burpees in this workout but they are not part of any of the SBTs. They are in the combo before the last SBT.

    I like this workout. What I did not like about it, is that it does not include its own warm up and cool down.  It uses the warm up and cool down from the Cycle 1 Cardio workout.  So the workout ends up abruptly and then Allie appears (from Cardio 1 workout) to cool you down.

    4 stars
    The second workout on the ZipTrainer Peak Disc is Sculpt 2.  This workout is lead by Kelsie.  The background exercisers are Emily and Allie.  Allie is performing beginner modifications.  Like the Peak Cardio workout, the Peak Sculpt workout does not have its own warm up and cool down. It uses the warm up  and cool down from the Rev Sculpt 1 workout.

    Using the Zip Trainer, Core Ball and a set of weights, Kelsie take you through a series of multi-joint compound exercises.  She starts you off with a simple exercise and then she starts layering on so you end up doing a sequence of moves that have you working 3 to 4 body parts at once.
    I like this workout. I thought it was constructed really well and it flowed fairly well also.
    Kelsie part of the workout is about 15 minutes long.
    3 & 3/4 stars


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