Zumba Exhilrate Step by Step

Zumba's Step by Step workout is approximately 60 minutes in length and it is led by Gina Grant and Tanya Beardsley.

While this DVD is quite a bit instructional as Gina and Tanya take you slowly through the different rhythms (breaking down each move), when the tempo picks up you do feel as if you are getting a workout. However, there is a lot of stopping and starting.

Within each rhythm, different variations of the rhythms are taught for a well rounded program.

The rhythms taught are:

1. Merengue (March, 2 Step, 6 count, Zumba Shuffle)

2. Salsa (Sidestep, Forward & Back, Travel, Back)

3. Reggaeton (Stomp, Knee Lift, Destroza, Bounce)

4. Calypso (Basic, Tobago, Cross, Curacao)

5. Cumbia (2 step, Forward & Back, Sleepy Leg, Sugar Cane)

6. Bellydance (stance, tap, figure 8, shimmy)

Love the music. If the music in Step by Step, is a showcase of what will be in the rest of the Exhilarate DVDs, I am going to love this series.

Irritating - Gina and Tanya constantly referring to each other a G and T.

3 stars


  1. You can upload calendar workut of zumba fitness exhilarate please

  2. There are three weekly plans:
    Beginner's Plan:
    Day 1 Zumba Step by Step
    Day 2 Repeat Zumba Step By Step
    Day 3 Zumba Activate Learn It
    Day 4 Rest
    Day 5 Zumba Activate Learn It
    Day 6 Zumba Activate Feel It
    Day 7 Rest

    Super Sculpting Plan
    Day 1 Zumba Exhilarate
    Day 2 Zumba Ripped
    Day 3 Zumba Exhilarate
    Day 4 Zumba Ripped
    Day 5 Zumba Exhilarate
    Day 6 Zumba Ripped
    Day 7 Rest

    Tight On Time Plan
    Day 1 Zumba Ripped - Zumba Toning Workout Only
    Day 2 Zumba Rush
    Day 3 Zumba Ripped - Zumba Sentao Workout Only
    Day 4 Zumba Rush
    Day 5 Zumba Ripped - Zumba Toning Workout Ony
    Day 6 Zumba Rush or Zumba Sentao Workout
    Day 7 Rest

  3. How does the program work? As far as what? Weight Loss? For me the Zumba workouts are great calorie burn workouts. However, most dance type workouts are (for me at least). Plus I have fun. I am doing a few of the workouts this month and what I find is I don't necessary like all the steps, many are repetitive - so I make up my own and then join in on the steps I like.

  4. Hi(: This lasts for three weeks?

  5. No. Those are three individual weekly plans that Program Guide suggest as a way to get you started.

  6. Hello Saundra, are those 3 the only workout plans present in the Program Guide??
    Is there any chance you can upload the full Program Guide book? Maybe in pdf or something? Tks!

  7. Sorry Yenny, I don't have a PDF version of the guide.

    The only other workout plan is the 10-Day Accelerated Fat Loss Program
    Day 1 Activate
    Day 2 Exhilarate
    Day 3 Ripped
    Day 4 Exhilarate
    Day 5 Ripped
    Day 6 Total Body Stretch
    Day 7 Exhilarate
    Day 8 Ripped
    Day 9 Exhilarate
    Day 10 Ripped

  8. I love Zumba! These DVDs are fabulous.

  9. Hi, I am just starting Zumba, got it from a friend. On the 10-day program it has on day 6 Total Body Stretch, is that a separate DVD, I don't seem to have anything that has that on the DVDs I got. Please help!

  10. Saundra can these kind of excercise help me to lose weight??

  11. Veronica, the Total Body Stretch is a paper workout. It is not on the DVD. The booklet that comes with it, shows the stretching exercise.

  12. Mimi,
    I get good calorie burn with my Zumba workouts. If you are also watching what you eat (eat less than you burn) you should loose weight.

  13. My friend doesn't have the Total Body Stretch workout. Can you by any chance upload it? I would be so grateful if you did. I really need to lose some lbs, and those workout- workout routines don't cut it for me. I have done the Exhilirate and Activate dvds, I am starting with the 10 day program. Thanks so much!

  14. Yeahh !! I´m watching what I eat cause´I really wanna loose the wieht I´ve put on and I´m starting the first video today !!........... Thank you Saundra !

  15. Veronica
    The exercises in the Total Body Stretch workout are:
    Overhead Arm Stretch
    Chest Stretch
    Neck Stretch
    Shoulder Stretch
    Quadriceps Stretch
    Calf Stretch
    Hamstring Stretch
    Hip Flexor Stretch

    All of these stretches are basic type stretches. And really the stretching that is done at the cool down sections of the Exhilarate and Activate workouts will cover the above exercises.

  16. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question and for sharing this info. Thanks.
    I love your reviews, they are so very helpful...

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Im a bit confused. My friend burned her DVD and then she gave me a soft copy of the workout. I have like 4 videos in the Ripped folder and so on so I'm confused. When the schedule says ripped do I do all 4 videos?
    Sorry it might be straight forward in the DVD set but its confusing with the soft copy.

  18. Sorry for the late reply.
    I only have two workout on the ripped DVD.
    What you might see is that each workout also has the option for verbal cuing or music only.
    I can't find the schedule right now but each workout is about 30 minutes so you can just do whatever you have time for.


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