The FIRM Core Cardio Fusion - The Review

Cardio Core Fusion is a 55 minute or so workout. It features FIRM Master Instructor Rebekah Sturkie. It also features one pound sculpting balls The sculpting balls annoy me. Or rather, the straps on the sculpting balls annoy me. I personally think the sculpting balls are too light for any meaningful sculpting but they are great for functional training which this workout has a lot of. This is probably my third or fourth time doing this workout and I like it more and more each time I do it. It does contain burpees. It seems like so many workouts contain burpees nowadays. It is like that is the go to move when you want to crank up the intensity in a workout. Cardio Core Fusion alternates between cardio, sculpting, and ab sets. The majority of the ab sets are standing work. Only at the end is there floor work. Pretty much though, the whole workout works your core hence the name Cardio Core Fusion. 3 1/2 out of 5 stars