Cathe Rhythmic Step - Review

Rhythmic Step
Boy did this workout start off rough. I was thinking I was not going to like it. Now this is my second time doing this workout but it has been quite some time since I last did Rhythmic Step and I can't remember when that was.
The problem with this workout- the music used in the warmup. Not good. Not motivational. Failed flat. I was really thinking that this was going to be a lackluster workout and I was going to have to push myself through it.

But then Combo 1 kick in and by Combo 2, I was thinking this is an awesome workout. The music used throughout the rest of workout was superb, motivating, and had a driving beat.

The workout features a warmup, 3 combination, a challenge section, and a cooldown/stretch. The challenge section combines all 3 combination in a zig zag pattern and you run through that twice. This is a good steady state workout once you get pass the warmup.

4 out of 5 stars.


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