Cathe Body Max 2 - Review

Body Max 2
This workout is long. It clocks in at 97 minutes. Cathe starts you out with a 10 minute plus warmup. She then moves into a 30 minute plus step routine. Following the step routine is the power segment in which you do a mini step combo, a blast, and endurance leg work. This portion of the workout is about 20 minutes. Next comes upper body work on the stability ball which was also about 20 minutes. The workout concludes with an ab set and a stretch.

Now I like this workout. I just don't like doing this workout all at once. Most of the time when I do this workout, I only do the cardio portion or one of the cardio premixes. The DVD itself features several premixes. However, I did the whole workout on Friday because I had Circuit/CardioSculpt day on the rotation. My favorite part of the workout is the step routine. My least favorite is the warmup (which is also a step routine) because it is too long. Cathe could have cut this in half.

Usually about the 65 minute mark I loose focus and become irritated because the workout isn't over, but if you are one of those who like working 90 plus minutes, this workout could possibly be for you.

Solid 4 stars out of 5.


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