Essentrics Class of 2012 - Thoughts

Essentrics Class of 2012 is lead by Sahra Esmond-White.   It is a toning and rebalancing workout that uses some techinques of pilates, yoga, dance, ballet to stretch and tone the body.

The workout starts with a loose warm up to get the blood flowing. You are mostly standing static and there are lots of arm and torso movements.  The song used in the warm up left me un-inspired.  I thought this was going to be a long workout if I had to listen to this tempo throughout but after the first song, I quite like the rest of the music selection.
After the warm up, you went into a standing segment which is about 24 minutes in length,.  I really felt the arm work in this part of the work. I kept having to take breaks during this part and relax my arms.

Sahra stops to explains as she goes through or starts a different move. This slows the workout down quite a bit. You are holding a position while she is talking about it which is a bit challenging and awkward. Usually she will take you through the move for a couple of more reps to create the fluid movement that Essentrics is known for.

The next segment is floor work which consisted mostly of ab work, inner/outer thigh lifts, and stretching. The outer thigh section was killer for me.  Really felt this, but the stretching after this made up for how tough that part was for me. The floor work is about 21 minutes.
The last segment is the Barre segment which uses a chair. This segment contain simple barre toning and a deep barre stretch routine.  The Barre segment is about 12 minutes.

The length of the entire workout is just over 60 minutes. I did the whole workout and only burned 125 calories. So I was a bit disappointed with working out for an hour and only burning that much.

I did feel that the stretching was absolutely awesome and I felt much of the toning.
What I really liked about the workout is that I didn't feel as if I was overloaded with endless repetitions. 

Along with Sahra, there are two other cast members.  The workout uses a mat and a chair.

4 stars


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