Amy Dixon Breathless Body Vol 3 HiiT It Big - Review

Breatless Body Three HiiT It Big is a 60 minute high intensity interval workout.
After a warm up, Amy takes you through 4 rounds of 8 different exercises.  You do each exercise for 40 seconds and you get a 20 second break.
So you are repeating each exercise 4 times.  Amy gives you three different levels for each exercise.
At the end of completing 4 rounds of each of the 8 exercises, Amy has you do each of the 8 exercise one time through for 30 seconds without a break.  This is four minutes of non-stop work.
Following the 8 exercises is the Core Blast section. During this section, you do 4 core focus exercise for one minute each.  Amy gives you a choice of three levels for this portion as well.
After the Blast section comes the cool down.

The exercises are:
1) Lunge Hops
2) Three Knee Slams
3) Plank Tuck Jacks
4) Squat Bound Pistols
5) Mogul Burpees
6) Boxer Blitz
7) Chugs
8) Scorpion Slide

Core Blast Segment
1) Core Roll
2) Leg Drop Crunch
3) Hover Sprinter
4) Superman Power Ups

What I like about this DVD is that Amy included a countdown timer. 
What I dislike about the DVD is that it is not chaptered.  Seriously, there are two options, Play All and Play workout without the introduction.  The other two Breathless Body you were able to choose a particular drill.

I like this workout much better than BB1 and slightly more than BB2.  However, in BB3, some of the more simple exercises felt extremely repetitive and mindless doing the exercise for 40 seconds.

3 & 1/2 stars


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