Cathe Xtrain Supercuts - Thoughts

Super Cuts is disc 4 in Cathe's Xtrain series of workouts. It is almost 46 minutes in length and features a variety of equipment and exercises.
The best part of the workout is that you really don't repeat an exercise.    However, the are some moves (mostly for the lower body) that you will do the exercise leading with one leg and then switch to the other.

Tons of equipment:  Dumbbells, Slide N Glide Discs, Dixie Cups, Firewalker loop, and resistance tubing.  I a not a fan with working out with the tubing so some of those exercises I replaced with dumbbells.

The workout really moves from one exercise to the next.  There are times when Cathe will take a bit of time to set up the next exercise by "demo-ing" the upcoming exercise.  For the most part, though, the exercises are back to back.
I love the set.  The outside scenery is urban picturesque.    The music is okay, lots of vocals. gave the feeling that you were working out in an actual gym.
Along with Cathe, there 5 other participants.  There is not a modifier, however on at least one of the exercises you have one of cast members showing a variation on the single leg dead lift.

The Super Cuts DVD has 13 pre-mixes and 3 bonus workouts.  The bonus workouts are:
Core#1, Core#2 and 100 Rep Challenge Hip Thrusts.

3 & 1/4 stars


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