Cathe Xtrain All Out Low Impact HiiT

All Out Low Impact HiiT is approximately 39 minutes in length.  It features a warm up, three Low HiiT rounds and a cool down.
The three low HiiT sections are divided into a floor section ,  a step section and a sliding disc section.
The exercises in the floor section are:
Sprint Shooters
Squat Kick Squat Lunges
Weighted Sumo Squats
Double Pulse lunge
Explosive Side to Side Lunges
Hammer Punch Into a Front Kick
Clime Rope for three and then elbow strike
Long Reach Lunges
Shuffle Drop Down
Switch Kick Lunges
The exercises in the step section are:
Uneven Weighted Sumos on Step
Swim Lunges on Step
Drop Squats into Box Step and Cha Cha
Tap Abductions on Step with Arms Swinging Overhead
Windmill Side Kicks on Step
Step Slams on Step
Super Sonic Running Man
The exercises in the disc section are:
Disc Mountain climbers
Disc Swim Lunges
Disc Scissors
Disk Jacks

I like this workout. Thus far, it is my favorite of the set.  It moves quickly and the soundtrack is pretty  good.
What I didn't like about the workout was that there was not a countdown clock/timer. In most of Cathe HiiiT workout she includes this feature in the HiiT section/workouts.  I like seeing how many seconds I am performing each exercise and how much rest time I have before the next set starts.
Also there were not any subtitle telling you which exercise you were performing.

Dumbbells are also used in the workout. The DVD contains 16 premixes and four bonus workouts.  The bonus workouts are:  Core #1, Burn Set Chest, Burn Set Shoulders, and 100 Rep Challenges Scarecrows.

3 & 3/4 stars


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