Tracie Long Defined Lines - Thoughts

Defined Lines is a 50 minute workout that Tracie introduces as mostly a cardio workout. I really didn't think it a mostly cardio workout at all. If I had to characterized the workout I would call it a "total body functional fitness style workout" that uses lots of range of motion.

The segments are long but within the segments you are moving quickly from multi joint compound exercise to multi joint compound exercise.

Defined Lines uses a medicine ball, a pair of dumbbells (Tracie's pair is 5lbs), a rag (or paper plate if you are on carpet), your own body weight and a mat.

There are roughly 10 segments or songs in this workout. Each segment with the exception of Song 4 is roughly 5 minutes. Song 4 is about 3 minutes.
The breakdown and some of the moves in each segment are:

Song 1 - medicine ball warm up, v-steps, shoulder serves, halos, weaves, lunge-dips with pullovers
Song 2 - dumbbells, side lunges, french press, kick backs with leg lifts, delt raise, shoulder rotations
Song 3 - medicine ball core, sumo squat knee pulls, weaves, swings and rotation, wood chops,
Song 4 - No equipment, hurdles, side leg lifts, crouch squats, jumps
Song 5 - dumbbells, mostly isometric upper body, squats and traverse lunges added to upper body moves for intensification, walking push ups, running gates
Song 6 - dumbbells, one arm rows with static lunge, push ups and frogs, side kickbox kicks,
Song 7 - towel (paper plate) side lunge work, lunge with arm rotations, bear position-hamstring work, inch worm planks, push ups using rags, table work,
Song 8 - med ball floor work, seated rotations, med ball pullovers crunches, figure 8s, bridge work,
Song 9 - towel (paper plate) same exerices as song 7 but working the other leg
Song 10 - stretch
There is a lot going on in this workouts - lots of changes within the individual segments and it is kind of all over the place. This is one of those workouts that you want to know what is coming next so that you can get the most out of it.

Even with that said, I never felt rushed during any of the segments or that I was doing so much that I wasn't doing anything significant at all. I say this in comparison to a couple of the FIRM workouts that seem to have a lot of changes and the pace is so rapid that you don't have chance to execute or enjoy any moves. So while there is a lot going on in Defined Lines I didn't feel annoyed with it all. In fact there are quite a few moves that I really like.

I love the soundtrack but I usually do like the music Tracie uses in her workouts. I like the way the workouts are choreograph tightly with the music.

Great cuing. I had no problems following the workout.

3 1/2 stars


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