The FIRM Cardio Sculpt Blaster - Review

Led by Lisa Kay, Cardio Sculpt Blaster is a 30 minute cardio sculpt workout and it is light on the sculpting.
The Workout features the FIRM Fanny Lifter, two sets of dumbbells (3lbs and 5lbs) and is roughly broken down into 10 segments.
I say roughly because the DVD is not chapter. The workout was also released on VHS.
Of the 10 segments, 7 of the segments contain squats of some sort which started to annoy me. "How many times can we do squats in a 30 minute workout?", I pondered by the fourth time they cropped up.
The segments are broken down into low impact floor aerobics, box step aerobics, four-limb (using light weights) aerobic. All of the combinations are very basic and easy to learn.
It has been quite awhile since I the last time I did this workout. In fact, so long that I can't tell you when. I thought I remember the workout having more intensity, more pizazz, more oomph! but it is lacking in all that and more. Lisa tried to give the workout energy but it fell flat. I think a lot of it had to do with the music because with the exception of a couple of tunes, I found the music to be very drab.
This has never been a favor FIRM workout for me and it still isn't. I do like Lisa and I like the yellow vibrant tops the ladies are wearing in the workout. The color really popped on my television screen.
I do feel as if I wasted 30 minutes and I rarely feel that way about a workout.
2 stars


  1. oh I like this one LOL. Glad we all have so many dvds to choose from out there! So many times Ive done something really popular and thought "really, someone likes this" :)

  2. Hi Lindsey.
    I agree. It is nice that we have so many choices.


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