Just When I thought I was safe .....

from purchasing any more workouts for the rest of the year - minus the ones I already got on pre-order, (Cathe, Ilaria, and AmyB), I just found out that Jaana Kunitz of Core Rhythms has 4 new workouts out.

Her program is called Xtreme Cardio Dance. So not a fan of the name, but I am a fan of Jaana and love her Core Rhythm set and her instruction style.
The program comes with 4 workouts (3 plus a bonus). They are Latin Dance, Hip Hop, Disco and Sexy Sculpt. I am not sure how long the workout are, but you can get a mini preview of the content from the infomercial on the website.
Target normally carries the Core Rhythm workouts so I am wondering if they will be carrying these. I am annoyed because the website doesn't tell you how much shipping is going to be without you putting in all of your information and hitting submit.


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