Staying Power - Review

Coming in at around 52 minutes, Staying Power, the second workout from Tracie Long's Longevity series is an interval style workout.
That is the first 30 minutes, after the warm up, is interval style.
Then Tracie takes you to the floor for the last 15 minutes of the workout.
This workout reminded me of TLT (Tracie Long Training) workouts. Although, I will say it didn't have as much functional fitness exercises as the previous series.
This interval workout alternated cardio sets with sculpting sets. Many of the cardio sets used a medicine ball and the sculpting sets used light to medium weights. The only time you really needed to grab a heavy weight was during the one arm row exercise.
My least favorite sections was the floor work section. This section was loosely divided into three sections, push ups/core, hips and stretch.
In the push up section, Tracie takes you through a series of push up/plank exercises. The hip section consisted of doing long lever side hip raises, donkey kicks, and hamstring curls.
I like Defining Shape more than I liked this workout, but this is still a solid workout.
3 1/2 out of 5 stars


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