Dance With Julianne Cardio Ballroom - Review

I like dance workouts and own quite a few. One of the things I notice about dance workouts is that they can be highly repetitive and many "take it from the top" way too much.
Dance with Julianne Cardio ballroom, a 43 minute workout was no different. And while I view the repetition in a negative context, I don't think this workout itself if bad.
Julianne is very good. Her enthusiasm (some might say over the top) boils over and spills onto the screen. I think she makes if fun. You can tell she is really working hard. She also does mirroring cuing which is a big plus.
The workout is broken down into a warm up, 3 combos, and a cool down.
The combos feature dances of the cha cha, jive, and paso.
I liked all three dances very much and the music that Julianne selected is upbeat and fits perfectly with each dance. I think my favorite dance is the paso.
The only negative that I have for this workout is that it is repetitive.
3 1/2 out of 5 stars


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