The FIRM Bootcamp Maximum Calorie Burn - Review

One of my favorite FIRM "Pink" workouts is Bootcamp Maximum Calorie Burn. This workout is a 52 minute workout led by Alison Davis. It is done in a circuit style. You have plyometrics sets and cardio sets. The plyo sets contain sculpting/weight exercises that alternate with plyometric type exercises.
Some of the plyo moves are ski jumps, burpees, and lunge switches (alternating lunges).
The cardio segments are kickboxing and athletic in nature.
I thought the workout moved at a really good pace. It wasn't slow, but it wasn't so fast that you couldn't properly execute the move.
The music was good and fit with the workout.
My one gripe other than the lackluster set was the camera angle/work. The camera angle was focus too much on the beginner modifier, which would have been fine except, Alison was layering moves and often the beginner wasn't adding on the next component of the move, so you would sometimes miss a rep or too until the camera focused back on Alison.
Not a big deal if you do this workout a lot I am sure, but it has been about a year since I last did this workout. So I found it slightly annoying.
4 stars out of 5


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