The FIRM 500 Calorie Workout - Review

The FIRM 500 calorie workout is a long workout that felt long. Clocking in around 62 minutes or so, it features interval training that alternates between cardio and sculpting sets. I believe that Kelsie, the instructor used 5lb dumbbells. I used my FIRM sculpting balls that came with Cardio Core Fusion workout since I am still working out in my hotel room.
While I didn't have a lot of room to move and go full out on the cardio, I did work up a good sweat. I think that what makes this workout challenging is the length of the workout and the functional training moves incorporated. I am also happy to report there were no burpees - well unless you include "the side lunge, then you turn and go down and do 4 push ups". I guess that could be considered a modified burpee.
This is my second time doing this workout and like the first time, I was either a 1/2 beat ahead of Kelsie on the cardio combos or a 1/2 beat behind. I don't too often have that problem.
Solid workout but not my favorite.
3 stars out of 5.


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