My Sunday Run

Okay my Sunday run did not go as plan.
Started off, I put on the wrong shoes. I grabbed my crosstrainers instead of my running shoes. Wasn't too terribly a big deal except for the fact that my crosstrainers hadn't until that point touch outside pavement. I like to keep the shoes I used for workout videos just for workout videos.
So it was humid, and I was out the door at 730am and it was humid. So, I am running - off in my own world - and the next thing I hear is this siren going off. My first thought - it is too early in the morning for this - then I see a car fly past me. Now where I live, the speed limit is 25 mph. The person in that car was probably going 50. Shortly after this car flys by. The police car flys by (hence the siren).

Okay no big deal, I am back in my own world. Then I hear another siren. And another siren. And another siren. When I get to the cross section of the street. I see lots more police cars, ambulances, fire trucks and people milling about. The cops had the street block off but as I got closer to what was going on - I saw that the car that had come flying by at 50 mph had somehow hit a Taxi cab.

So I just detoured off my usual route which would have taken me into all the commotion that was going on. So because I didn't do my normal route, I don't know how far I ran and so my time which was over 39 minutes doesn't really tell me anything.

And to make matters worse, I took a tumble on the sidewalk. Most of the sidewalks are uneven in my area and my foot hit the edge of one. Luckily I only scraped my hand a bit. So other than feeling like a moron, I was okay.


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