Cardio Karate Cardio Metabolic Intervals - Thoughts

Approximately 64 minutes in length, Cardio Metabolic
Intervals is Disc 10 in the Cardio Karate set and it features Gay Gasper as the lead.
Backing up Gay are three cast members. One cast member shows modifications during the pull up exercises.
Pull ups do show up in all five pods; and they are followed by a set of push ups.
Like the other two workouts that used the center mount pull up bar, so does this one. However, Cardio Metabolic Intervals was much easier to follow than Extreme Martial Conditioning 1 and 2.

This mostly had to do with the fact that Gay and Cast were not jumping up to the pull up bar and jumping out of it into horse stance. In Cardio Metabolic Intervals, there were boxes position to the side. When it came time to do the pull up, the cast would go and get the boxes and position them under the pull up bars, hop up and do the pull ups. When they were done, they would put the boxes away before proceeding on to do push ups.

I think the pull ups were tough for Gay. She kept telling the person who was counting that she needed to count faster. Several of the pulls ups had you pull up for seven counts and then release on one.

After you learn all five pods, you run through all the pods again minus the pull ups/push ups back to back about four times through. Loved this section of the workout.

I thought this was another good one from Cardio Karate.
4 stars


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