Cathe Interval Max - Review

Interval Max is Cathe's first IMAX workout and it is approximately 60 minutes in length. It features the club step. Cathe uses a 8 inch step. I used a 6 inch step height.
Interval Max is a step interval(hi-low, aerobic-anaerobic) workout. It contains a rather long warm up (about 13 minutes). The core part of the workout features 10 intervals that includes a mini step routine repeated six times, an intensity blast, and a recovery period. This is followed by a cool down and a stretch.
Now while this is the first Cathe IMAX workout produce, I actually did this workout last after first doing IMAX 3 and then IMAX 2. So I think this is only my second time doing this workout. Of the three, I do think Interval Max is the easiest to do, but I will confirm that as I have both IMAX 2 and IMAX 3 coming up later in the month.
What I like about this workout is that all the moves are really simple - which is what I want in this type of workout. You don't have to think a lot with this workout, you just have to do. There is no hard, tricky choreography to learn. The mini routines are easy to follow and you can use them to prep yourself for the intensity blast that follows.
The intensity blast vary in intensity and length. Some of the intensity blast exercises include plyo jacks, ski jumps, air jacks, lunge pull downs, split jumps etc. The recovery period has a nice length - just enough to bring your heart rate down but not too much. The recovery sections include simple moves like the grapevine, walk fours, double side steps and single side steps.
The music is okay and it fits the workout. The set is somewhat overpowering. Cathe is enthusiastic and full of energy.
Excellent workout - 4 stars.


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