Patricia Moreno Kickbox Yoga Fusion - Review

Kickbox Yoga Fusion is a DVD that contains two workouts. The full workout is 50 minutes and it also has an express workout that is 30 minutes.
I did the full workout.
This workout was boring. It moved slow. I kept wanting Patricia to speed up the instruction.
That is not to say her instruction wasn't good. It was very precise and gave you lots of time to practice the move.
But as the workout continue to move on, I caught myself snapping my fingers trying to encourage her to move it along.
I feel the workouts has more of a punching emphasis than a kicking emphasis. The punching combinations weren't the "same old same old" but they were repetitive. There was also a lot of standing around. So I would classify this kickbox workout as more drill base than cardio base.
Patricia is an excellent instructor. She is encouraging and precise in her cuing. She delivers her instruction in a very knowledgeable way.
The music was okay.
My first thought was that Kickbox Yoga Fusion was a 2 1/2 star workout, but I am bumping it up to 3 stars because my only real complaint was that I wanted it to move along a little faster.


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